fact sheet.
- SEASON June 11- August 31 (Peak Run typically occurs July 15 – August)
- AVERAGE SIZE 8 – 13 lbs
- FISHING SPOTS Kenai River, Russian River
- CHUGACH BACKCOUNTRY RECORD4 clients limit of 24 sockeye (6 per client) in fewer than 35 minutes.
- Learn more about the runs
Sockeye Salmon are not aggressive biters in freshwater but this great sport fish can still be caught in the mouth and provide the fisherman with a hard fighting battle. As the Reds migrate up river they travel in groups and swim close to shore. This gives wading anglers the ability to intercept the migrating salmon. Good waders are a must when fishing for Reds. Hip waders are ok but chest waders will give you best access to the river. Also, be sure to bring a hat and polarized sun glasses to see into the water.
When fishing for the Red Salmon, fly rods and reels are the gear of choice. Fly rods that are seven weights to nine weights are used with fly reels that have a good drag system. Most fishermen use a straight twenty pound leader and a coho fly or a piece of yarn on a hook at the end of the leader.
The way of fishing for Red Salmon that aren’t aggressive biters is the “Clothes lining method”. As the fish are migrating up stream, with their heads and mouths all pointing in the same direction, you will sweep your fly line and leader across the water and into the fishes mouth. With an abundant amount of fish migrating up the river this technique is very productive.
The limit for sockeye salmon in normally 3 Sockeye per day/per person but due to high number of fish returning each year the limit is sometimes raised from 3 to 6 per day/per person to help ADF&G reach their escapement goal. During the peak season it isn’t uncommon to catch your limit in fewer than 15 minutes. While the sockeye are not aggressive biters they make up for it with a phenomenal acrobatic fight on a fly rod. Fishing is done along the banks of the Kenai and Russian Rivers. Waders and gear are provided by Chugach Backcountry Guides.
Sockeye Salmon trips leave early in the morning to ensure better fishing ground.