The Tournament.
Winners and fish size:
2014 – TBD
2013 – Duke Marolf 22″ (Seward)
2012 – Anna Clock/ 18 1/4″ (Seward)
2011 – Jared Linqusit/ 16″ (Moose Pass)
2010 – Anna Clock/ 14″ (Seward)
2009 – Paul 24″ (Seward)
An open-invite event, Chugach Backcountry Fishing’s Annual Ice Fishing Tournament is a great way to spend a spring day outside!
Five years ago CBF owner/operator Corey Hetrick decided it would be good fun to invite a few friends up to Carter Lake in Moose Pass to do some ice fishing while enjoying Keg’s of Alaska’s finest beer, grilled hot dogs, brauts, and burgers, alongside good company. The biggest catch of the day wins a day long King Salmon fishing trip for four people with CBF on the Kasilof River.
In Corey’s words:
“The ice fishing tournament was something I thought would be a good way to get some of the local residents of Seward and Moose Pass to experience what I like to do everyday during the winter months when I’m not busy with school. After five years it has turned into an annual event many look forward too. Really, its less of a “tournaments and more of a really good time amongst fellow outdoorsy folks”.
Our annual event gets a little larger every year and we at Chugach Backcountry provide everything you need to spend a day ice fishing, sledding and skiing down the smaller hills surrounding Carter Lake. —This event is absolutely free and open to anyone and everyone who enjoys the outdoors-we provide fishing gear, sleds, beverages (Kegs on tap!) and BBQ’ed food. Come on out and join us!
Location/Transportation: Carter Lake is located in Moose Pass and from the highway it is a 1-mile hike to the lake. Corey and his friends will accommodate anyone with snowmachine rides to and from the trailhead to alleviate the strain of hauling up any gear participants might want to bring to the lake. There is no entry fee and is open to anyone who enjoys being outside and playing in the backcountry. This is a family friendly event.